Saturday, July 3, 2010


"The Bible tells us that every person, no matter how much faith they have or how good they are, will face disappointments.

One of the main keys to overcoming disappointments is learning to let go of the past.

Be willing let go of past disappointments by choosing forgiveness.

Let go of the past so you can overcome disappointments and experience the bright future God has in store for you!

Remember, what's happened to you is not nearly as important as what's happened in you. Today, you are stronger and wiser than ever before."

Friday, July 2, 2010

1st JULY 2010, Viva Elite Ez 1.0 Solid White


1st JULY 2010, 5PM. Ive got my VIVA Elite Ez, SolidWhite !!!!

Here are my words for YOU DAD, Thank YOU, DAD!!!! :). All The Praise and Glory Only to YOU!. YOU always and always here with me.! Eventhou sometimes i felt ive been left behind, offenly felt abandoned, most of my plan scattred, my dreams pops vanish into the thin air.. But now when i looked back, it had created a pattern, a design, a masterplan that ive never ever think of and its too simple and yet too complicated for my mind to understands YOUR plan, for what i belive and i know that YOU always be there for me...and YOU always will be.

BAPA, slama ni aku banyak melukakan hati MU, tidak melakukan Firman MU, mengindahkan Seruan MU, menurut keinginan daging ku... Biarpun demikian Engkau tetap mengasihi kami. Kami ingin menyenangkan Hati MU, BAPA..kami tidak akan mungkin dapat membalas Kasih MU, Inilah pengucapan syukur kami ya BAPA. Segala Puji, Sembah dan Hormat kami yang tertinggi hanya kepada MU ya TUHAN ku dan BAPA ku. Di dalam Nama Kristus Yesus kami mengucap syukur, Amin.

Lindungi Kami ya TUHAN, sebab Traffic KL sgt menggerikan dan mengelirukan. :)